Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Motivation Words of Life

Lord, keep my kindness dewasakan in my youth and I was in a prosperous independence. Aamiin 

While in our hearts there is still a desire to put others down, then we have not found favor. 

Lord ... Give me the courage and wisdom to make decisions, so I'm not wrong in their stride. amen 

Be PENCIL who can write a happy story. Be ERASER which can eliminate the sad story. That's the good life 

REMEMBER, that hurt will get hurt at the time. That would insult insulted in time. 

The best thing that you can do for somebody else not share your riches, but to help him to possess his own wealth. 

The problem as a feasibility test. Managed through indicates that you deserve to live in the world. 

Lord, strengthen me reject bad influence in my neighborhood, and luluskanlah me from my studies well. Aamiin 

Fear of loss, give courage to keep getting. 

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love that you do, you will succeed. - Albert Schweitzer 

Blaming others for your pain does not change anything. Find solutions and action! 

If you let yourself undisciplined in small things, chances are you also will not be disciplined in great things. - Warren Buffett 

Change will not come if we wait for someone else or some other time. Us is eagerly awaited. Us is the change that we seek. - Barack Hussein Obama 

People love looking face will lose face when the original face open. 

Goodness never knows no bounds. Because of the good long term. 

Indeed, happy that it's simple and complicated problem. If you want to be happy, simplify the existing problems 

Ask for God's help for every problem that you can not solve yourself

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